WWolf Enterprises, Inc,. Copyright © 2021 All rights reserved.               

Counseling Services

​​Drug & Alcohol Abuse & Addiction

All interested parties should be in contact with the central office in Odessa, Texas by calling its main telephone number listed, 432-363-5472, and asking for Luis Tijerina.  If there is no answer at the time of your call please leave a detailed message and Luis will get back to you as soon as humanly possible.
All interviews will be handled on a first-come first-serve basis unless emergency status is first declared by you or one of your legal representatives.  All subsequent visits will be charged on a sliding scale and payment will be expected in full before any consultation shall take place.  If you are Medicare or Medicaid eligible please specify at the onset of the consult.  If you are not able to pay arrangement for payment may be possible depending on your qualifications through the affiliate 501(C) (3) non-profit foundation(s).  You will have to fill out the necessary forms and allow for a review in order to begin treatment.
Counseling will be handled by a qualified Peer Counselor employed by WWolf Enterprises, Inc. (WEI) and you must sign a document that you agree to this type of counsel or you may be referred to another agency at your request.
All counseling provided by WEI will have spiritual overtones and may/may not include Native American Ceremonial celebrations of life in the recognition of progress on the counselee’s behalf.  Depending upon who the counselor is at the time of your treatment will determine the course taken to celebrate milestones in your recovery.

Other Addictions

In all fairness when speaking about addictions we must recognize that more than one type of addiction exists.  There may be persons that have addictions to Food, Sex, Cigarettes, etc., and the list goes on and on.  We may be able to identify the sources of your particular addiction and lay them to rest and behind you with some real and honest seeking deep within yourself and your acculturation. 
These sessions will be held along the same lines as the Drug & Alcohol counseling.


If you have gotten to the end of your rope and are looking for a better way to live; Physically, Spiritually, Emotionally and Psychologically then you may have come to the right place.  There are many roads that can lead you to happiness and rightfully you have a tough choice to make as there are many that claim to have the answer to your troubles.  Give WWolf Enterprises, Inc., (WEI) a call and set up an appointment to speak with one of our Peer Counselors to get hooked into a system that has a proven track record.  WEI is eager and waiting to hear from you so that we may begin down that long and arduous road the is sometimes referred to by Chief Luis Tijerina as “The Road Less Traveled.”  It is the road that many don’t seek to take because it is hilly, filled with thorny thicket, winding dangerous curves and pitfalls but once they have been shown the path to take that keeps them away from the obstacles and hurdles the road seems to unfold straight ahead with none of the obstacles within reach.


In this area of “Self” which encompasses all that you are opens up the realm of realizing where you have come from, where you are currently and where you would like to be next week, next month, next year or in three years or five years.  It is a matter of identifying what it is your life’s mission is and making a game plan to get there.  Certainly setting short but attainable goals would be the first step in any Self-Improvement game plan.  Having the know-how and the resources to achieve each of those steps to your success is what WWolf Enterprises, Inc. (WEI) is looking to provide for you.  Whether you are looking to get yourself into a new job, a new house, a new car, a smaller pair of pants or just want to improve how you feel about what you already are doing with your life WEI is prepared to walk those steps with you.  Whatever it is you want to improve in your life WEI can help.

 Note: All Counseling Services being offered are on a first-come first-serve basis, emergencies withstanding, will be charged on a sliding scale depending on your ability to pay, and some financial assistance may be available through affiliate assistance programs and are conducted by experienced Peer Counselors. Funding from affiliates may require the counselee to invest an equitable amount of sweat equity in return for services rendered.